Meditation 9/20 – “Happy Place”

I imagined myself on a picnic. The sun was warm on my skin, the wind cool. The green grass was freshly cut, and had the faint smell of freshly cut grass left behind. There were yellow and red flowers with bees buzzing around, but not to close to me to make me afraid. I sat upon a thin checkered blanket, just like in the movies. He was there too… The path caught my attention to the left. Suddenly I was back in my elementary school garden tour. Rough, mulchy path. Birds singing off in the distance. Tree animals scurried in the near. A rush of fresh, mountain-like air filled my nose. The path widens and the light that once trickled through the trees is now illuminating. I stop to touch a stony brook. The water is cool, clear. It’s so quiet out here I can hear the quick flow. It sounds like a rushing ocean almost. I reach an opening in the path. This meadow is even bigger, greener than the one I just left. I immediately see a large, wise looking tree. It’s leaves are green/gold. It’s trunk the perfect tone of brown, lines revealing its age and magnificent structure. Taking a seat underneath it’s shade, I feel a little too cool. This wise new friend has been here for many years. She has seen more than I can imagine. I must keep traveling. Along the hillside I see a doorway. Curiosity leads me in, where there is a stony path. It’s cold down here. Candles light the path to several doorways… At this point, I realize I am NOT a silly girl from one of those horror movies who dies because of her own stupidity. I don’t wait for Harmon. I run back through the doorway, over the hill, past my wise tree, that now looks less green, back through my path, that now seems threatening, over that brook thats dirtier than I remember. I reach my safe place again. He is still there. Waiting. Smiling. 

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